As a chronically ill person, I spend a lot of time at doctor's appointments, and, as a chronically ill, autistic, and mentally ill person, I find them overwhelming and draining. I want to talk about some of the things I do to make them easier for myself.
- Use mobility aids- If you use mobility aids, and your doctor is understanding about it, they can make the trip a lot easier. One mobility aid I use is forearm crutches.
- Make visit notes ahead-of-time- I try to make my notes complete enough that I can hand them to the doctor if I'm having trouble with verbal communication. I take notes in my planner.
- Present accommodation needs in writing- Carry a printed report of your accommodation needs to each appointment, and present one to each doctor's office to have on file. Discuss it with your doctor.
- Use an AAC program- Personal Favorites are Talk for Me for laptop and tablet and Speech Assistant for mobile. These are good if you prefer text-based AAC. I use Let Me Talk for image-based AAC.
- Bring a trusted friend- and fill the friend in on what needs discussed, in case you get flustered. They can help advocate and get the conversation back on track, if they're willing.
- Block out extra sound- The tv in the waiting room, the sound of other patients, and other office sounds make a big difference to my stress level. I use noise cancelling headphones or Ear Peace earplugs to block them out.
- Block out extra smells- I've heard good things about VogMask and have ordered one myself.
- Block out extra light- Wear sunglasses or a ball cap to combat fluorescent lights and large windows.
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