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Showing posts from January, 2018


Am I depressed? I told my psychiatrist I wasn't at my last appointment because there are things that can pierce through the haze of mental illness and make me feel alive- poetry mostly. I asked my friends and family if there are things that make them feel alive, and a lot of them had long lists: time with loved ones, hiking, making art, making music, cooking, playing with pets... I have one thing, but I'm so grateful to have that thing. If you have something that makes you feel alive, hold onto it, and if there are days where depression is so thick, your one thing barely makes a dent, do it anyway. It's your secret weapon in an invisible war. But I digress. I told my psychiatrist I wasn't depressed because I can enjoy poetry, and it can make me feel alive. I can also sometimes enjoy my other hobbies. However, upon further reflection, I think I must be depressed because I can't do anything. I sleep 16 hours a day, but is that from depression or because I have tr...