Become more functional Depend on friends for more appropriate things Have a better quality of life Those are my 3 primary goals right now, and I think they might resonate with other disabled folks. This isn't going to be a blog that tells you easy steps to achieve these goals. I can't tell you how to do something that I haven't done myself. I'm just going to talk about my situation and the steps I plan to take to try to accomplish these 3 things. Hopefully, some of what I write will be applicable to your situation, too. This quest started with a tough conversation with my roommate. She said that I cannot live independently, and it's been falling to her and my friends to pick up the slack in my ability to care for myself. They've been helping with household tasks, staying with me when I'm not safe to myself, communicating at appointments, picking up financial slack, and more. These duties should fall to professionals who are paid to do them, but, although ...
.Being.Us: ~ Compassionate, introverted, intelligent, creative ~ Autistic, chronically ill, mentally ill, disabled ~ Service dog owner ~ Lover of nature, art, science fiction, playing flute, cats, nonverbal DND campaigns